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We are basically team of 7 people. We do CGI for 15 years. Our primary business is architectural visualisations, and all stuff here on bonboniere3d is our personal work, used for our commercial projects in MISS3. We also love 3D printing. We are in from 2013, or so.
We are creators of printednest project. Now of CAR-A-MEL. We are trying to do our best and share it here with you. Our motivation is to help to new graphic designers to grow their business, we thing that sharing of our knowledge and workflow is our mission.
You're welcome to contact us with any inquiry
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MISS3 s.r.o.
Biskupská 267/8, Brno, 60200
IÄŒO: 27668185
DIČ: CZ27668185
phone: +420736750346
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